The Baby Ducks Answer Your Questions

Q: What is your favorite rainy day activity? – Melissa

A: You will like this one! First, ask your mom to buy you a light-up toy with a little spinning planet in the middle. Then ask a tall person to place you on a blanket under the toy.

It will BLOW YOUR MIND. We can’t overstate how fun this is.

We wish we could be more specific about where to get the toy. Ours just appeared one day.

Q: How come the Bachelor and Bachelorette couples can’t seem to find true love? – Melissa

A: We were also crushed to discover that Ben and Courtney’s contract expired relationship ended! But we have some ideas about the longevity problem regarding ABC-engineered reality show engagements.

We think a combination of factors (exotic locales, isolation from friends and family, free alcohol provided by production staff) come together to produce an ephemeral feeling of excitement/novelty and accompanying lowered inhibitions in contestants that may lead to a sensation of “falling” for someone more quickly than one would in the course of ordinary experience.

We also suspect that the mandatory several-month separation after the show, together with the experience of watching one’s newly engaged partner dating other people (when the show airs), can’t be conducive to happy, long-term trust-based relationships.

We think the show would be much better if, instead of strolling along white-sand beaches and drinking on yachts, the bachelors and bachelorettes spent several months getting to know each other in their own cities, doing activities like babysitting adorable Baby Ducks (good practice for the future!)

But we are just two small Ducks. Your mileage may vary.

Q: (for Big Brother) How do you think the Vikings did today? (Oct. 7) – Nana

A: “They are doing good! I think their quarterback is doing well. I think they will win most of their games this year.” — Big Brother

The Baby Ducks and Big Brother welcome your questions on a variety of topics. You can ask them here.

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