How to Take Your 18-Month-Old Twins to the Gym for a Workout in 33 Easy Steps

1. Capture Twin A. Affix boots to his feet. Stuff his hands into mittens and put his hat on.

2. Capture Twin B. Repeat process with boots/hat/mittens.

3. Stop Twin A from emptying kitchen trash; replace trash in can; find and reapply hat/mittens.

4. Text husband frantically because you can’t find the twins’ coats.

5. Find coats hanging on the coat hook (who put them there?) and capture Twin A again. Stuff arms into coat and zip.

6. Temporarily misplace Twin B. Find him in the bathroom playing in the toilet. Reapply mittens/hat. Stuff arms into coat and zip.

7. Wrestle twins into gargantuan double stroller, with particular attention to Twin A, who is now loudly mourning the end of his kitchen trash playtime and also demanding cheese. Forget gym shoes halfway out the door. Grab them and throw them in the stroller.

8. Trundle stroller through slush and ice ridges to the car. Remove twins from stroller and wrestle into car seats.

9. Find and reapply Twin B’s hat.

10. Realize Twin A is mittenless again. Look for mittens. Find them in a snowdrift near the door. Reapply mittens.

11. Try to fold stroller up to put it in the trunk.

12. Stroller will not fold. Try again.

13. Curse loudly at stroller while kicking it. Smile politely at inquisitive passing dog walkers. Stuff stroller into trunk. Slam trunk until it shuts.

14. Drive to gym.

15. Find a parking space.

16. Remove twins from car seats and wrestle back into the stroller. Realize Twin A is mittenless again. Double back to find mittens. Contemplate bringing multiple extra pairs of mittens everywhere you go.

17. Check twins into gym daycare. Remove all outerwear and stuff outerwear into stroller. ESCAPE QUICKLY.

18. Work out! (This step is important.)

19. Return to gym daycare to find Twin A melting down on the floor. Remove from floor. Attempt to affix outerwear. Stuff into stroller.

20. Find Twin B. Affix outerwear. Stuff into stroller.

21. Taking his cue from his brother, Twin B has decided that screaming is a good idea and joins the fun. Try to convince him that this is a bad idea.

22. Reapply mittens/hat to Twin A.

23. Run (flailing madly; smiling politely at passersby) to car as fast as you can in the cold, trundling stroller through the snow.

24. Wrestle still-screaming Twin A into car seat. Give him his sippy cup in an attempt to calm him down.

25. Retrieve sippy cup from snowbank and give it back to him.

26. Retrieve sippy cup from floor of car and give it back to him.

27. Strap Twin B into his car seat.

28. Stuff stroller into back of car without folding or locking it.

29. Drive home. Music is helpful at this stage to drown out the yelling.

30. Remove twins from car, wrestle still-screaming Twin A and sleeping Twin B into stroller again. Contemplate how many calories might be burned in each stroller-to-car-seat exchange with a screaming toddler.

31. Trundle stroller indoors.

32. Remove outerwear and carry twins into their cribs for a nap.

33. Take a shower. Workout complete.

Toddler New Year’s Resolutions, by Anthony and Dominic

1. Successfully steal Big Brother’s stuffed animal, Froggy Bear, and keep him forever.

2. Build more forts.

3. Escape from the nurses and run into the employee lounge BEFORE the shots next time.

4. Complete transformation into tiny stegosaurus.

Stegosaurus wear mittens, right?

5. Learn to play the piano.

6. Or maybe the trumpet while I’m at it. Practice every morning before the sun rises.

7. Figure out how to open this drawer in Daddy’s desk that he keeps taping shut. There must be good things in there. photo 3



9. Abolish winter. (Our mom made us add this one.)

How to Walk All the Way to the Bus Stop to Get Your Big Brother, by Anthony

Have your mom help you find the door to your apartment. Walk down the hallway.

Have your mom help you find the door to your apartment. Walk down the hallway.

Run past a vent with air blowing! This part is very exciting.

Run past a vent with air blowing! This part is very exciting.

Look for the elevator and have your mom help you push the button.

Look for the elevator and have your mom help you push the button.

Get on the elevator. Be careful not to trip in the crack.

Get on the elevator. Be careful not to trip in the crack.

There are a lot of buttons that light up in the elevator. Buttons are my favorite.

There are a lot of buttons that light up in the elevator. Buttons are my favorite.

Exit the elevator and walk by the vending machines.

Exit the elevator and walk by the vending machines.

Go outside.

Go outside.

Once outside, try to figure out where to go. Attempt to eat some rocks. Have your mom carry you, flailing, to the bus stop.

Once outside, try to figure out where to go. Attempt to eat some rocks. Have rocks taken away by your mom. Require your mom to carry you, flailing, to the bus stop. Let’s skip over this part.

Cheer as Big Brother exits the school bus. Success!

Cheer as Big Brother exits the school bus. Success!

Hold Big Brother's hand and walk in some grass.

Hold Big Brother’s hand and walk in some grass.

Back to the apartment.

Back to the apartment.

No thank you mama I do not need to hold hands. I am a big boy now.

No thank you mama I do not need to hold hands. I am a big boy now.

Training Twins to Sleep Through the Night: How we Sleep-Trained the Duckies, Step by Step

Our twins sleep 11-12 hours a night. I can’t remember the last time they woke up during the night and required our attention, which is really saying something, because during the first few months I thought that hellish phase would never end, and that I couldn’t possibly survive the months-long period of terrible exhaustion that plagues all parents of newborn multiples. One thing is for sure, though: I will never take sleep for granted again. I cherish every full night of sleep we enjoy now.

Many people (including many parents of twins/multiples younger than ours) have asked us about sleep-training. Understandably, sleep-training is an incredibly common subject of conversation among parents of multiples — a common obsession born of desperation and abject sleep deprivation.

I’ve never been more tired than I was those first few months after the duckies came home from the hospital. I thought I had been tired before — I had pulled all-nighters, worked graveyard shifts and odd hours, struggled to get 6 hours of sleep when I was a single parent working multiple jobs — but I had never felt the kind of prolonged, continual exhaustion we experienced during those first few months. We were both so tired we were hallucinating — seeing phantom trails passing by open doors, thinking we saw babies everywhere. It was scary. Everything hurt. I used to watch commercials for sleep aids on television, sitting on the living room floor in a blurry haze of bone-tired weariness, holding a baby. I would literally weep with envy at the actors on the screen stretched out on acres of luxurious bedding, free to sleep as long as they liked.

So sleep training was a big deal. We talked about it constantly. The books we read all agreed that newborns couldn’t be sleep-trained (not that I was averse to trying, at the time), and for the most part, I think they were right. Newborns just sleep whenever they need to sleep, seemingly without rhyme or reason, without regard for noise or circumstance.

In the beginning, the twins were sleeping in our room at night. Calvin had slept in my room as an infant and toddler (out of necessity, at the time — when Calvin was little he and I lived in a small one-bedroom attic apartment near my college) and I wanted the babies close during the night for feeding. But by the time they were three months old, we were desperate for sleep. Even when both babies slept at the same time, I struggled with insomnia — I simply could not sleep through their hiccups and yips and whimpers. How could I have forgotten how loudly babies sleep?

In any case, when it came time to properly sleep-train the twins, I took a very serious approach. I kept spreadsheets that charted when each twin slept and ate. I read everything I could on the subject. I talked to twin parents who had somehow survived their twins’ infancy (it seemed unfathomable to me at the time — one of my survival mantras was “Other people have survived this. Other people have survived this.”) With that in mind, here are three big mistakes we made with sleep-training (before we learned what worked) followed by my personal step-by-step method for sleep-training twins.

But here is my caveat: this is what worked for us. I understand that all parents are different, and all babies are different, and although I do think these rules are fairly universal, there are some circumstances that might require tweaking your approach — if your baby has serious reflux issues, for example (premature babies often do), or colic, or other health complications. Some parents are also uncomfortable with “crying it out,” even in a modified version. Your mileage may vary.


1. We thought that if we kept the twins up later, they would sleep longer.

Ha! Haha! Oh, we were so naive. In our desperation for sleep, we put the twins to bed later and later, thinking they’d sleep later and longer. Eventually we were putting them to bed at 10 p.m., hoping and praying that they’d at least sleep until 1 or 2.

This did not happen. Here’s what DID happen — they got fussy and overtired, and inevitably fell asleep early, after which we’d attempt to wake them up and/or keep them up, and they wouldn’t sleep longer — if anything, they seemed to wake up MORE. Because they were overtired, and because they weren’t going to bed at their natural bedtime (which, as it turns out, was much earlier, closer to 7 p.m.) the babies’ sleep rhythms were interrupted and fractured, making it harder for them to sleep for long stretches.

2. We tried to keep them awake during the day to make them sleep at night.

BIG mistake.

(A) Trying to keep a baby awake when he wants to sleep is a miserable, terrible ordeal. Babies know when they need to sleep, and if they are acting tired and fussy, it is because their bodies need sleep.

(B) Sleep begets sleep, as it turns out. I read this phrase, of course, in baby books, but I did not believe this, initially. It seemed too counter-intuitive.

I am here to tell you that it is absolutely true. Sleep begets sleep. The more the babies took (regular, consolidated) daytime naps, the better they slept at night. Color me astonished.

3. (This is the biggest one) We soothed them to sleep with pacifiers and rocking.

Don’t misunderstand me here. I am not suggesting that you cannot give your baby a pacifier. Do whatever you need to do, especially during those early months. I feel your desperation. I am right there with you. But we were constantly soothing the twins back to sleep — ANYTIME they woke up, and EVERY time we put them down to sleep — with a pacifier, and often with rocking. They needed us and were incapable of soothing themselves to sleep. If they lost the pacifier, or just woke up on their own, they were totally adrift, sobbing and inconsolable until we came along to soothe them.

This is preventable. I wish I had learned this earlier. Once we started encouraging them to self-soothe — that is, putting them down to sleep (including for naps!) when they were showing sleepy cues (slowing down, rubbing eyes, staring into space) but NOT YET fussy and overtired, placing them in their cribs awake but sleepy — they slept SO MUCH BETTER. So much better.

I can’t overstate this one. Every baby wakes up throughout the night (in fact, so do adults! Pretty much everyone wakes up briefly at some point during long stretches of sleep). But the babies who “sleep through the night” are the ones who are able to soothe themselves back to sleep without adult intervention. These are the babies who have learned to calm themselves down and allow themselves to drift back off after brief periods of wakefulness. This is key.

So, with these mistakes (and the lessons we learned from them) in mind, here is my step-by-step process for sleep-training twins. This is how I did it.


1. Feed your twins at the same time (starting as newborns)

When you have a singleton, you might feed the baby whenever he or she seems hungry. This is natural, and it makes a lot of sense — allow baby to dictate her or his own feeding schedule. This did not work with our twins. Breastfeeding took forever (45+ minutes per feeding, and consider that the babies were eating every 2.5-3 hours), and even once I started pumping milk into bottles and bottle-feeding the babies, each feeding was an ordeal. By feeding the babies at the same time, we gently pushed their schedules into alignment. This is especially important if you have fraternal twins, who are naturally/genetically more different than identical twins.

This is not to say that you should stick rigidly to a preordained schedule and allow your twins to go hungry if they seem hungry — rather, learn how much your twins should be eating for their age/weight (there are guidelines for this for both breastmilk and formula) and simply feed the twins consistently every 2.5-3 hours, at the same times every day, until they don’t seem to need to eat quite so often. My 12-months-olds still like a snack every 3-4 hours, but I’m told most babies cut back to less-frequent feedings.

I remember once during an early doctor’s visit, when I told the pediatrician that I always fed the twins at the same time, she helpfully instructed me to “remember that they are individuals who may have different needs and may need to eat at different times.” I looked at her incredulously through my haze of sleep-deprivation and said: “You don’t have two infants. They are both getting plenty to eat and growing fine. Feeding them together is the only thing that allows me to stay sane.” I’ve told this story to other moms of twins and they laugh and laugh. “OF COURSE you have to feed them at the same time!” they say. “That goes without saying.”

Even at night, you may ask? If one twin wakes up, should I wake the other to feed? I would say yes, at least when your twins are under 6 months old. This is what I did (after learning from early mistakes) and it worked extremely well. By always feeding them at the same time, their sleep schedules slowly aligned more and more closely to one another.

2. Keep track of their daytime sleep schedules and encourage consolidated daytime naps (3-5 months + )

You can’t do this when the twins are newborns, unfortunately. Newborns don’t take consolidated naps. They simply sleep for short stretches at random, like tiny narcoleptic aliens. But once your twins are 3-5 months old, they will start to take naps (generally somewhere between 3 and 5 naps, depending on the baby) at regular and predictable times each day.

For a week or two, keep close track of when each baby sleeps, and when they are awake. Note feedings as well. I kept spreadsheets for this — with different colors for each baby.

Here is an example of a schedule I made for babysitters who were watching the twins while I took my written prelim exams.

Here is an example of a schedule I made for babysitters who were watching the twins while I took my written prelim exams.

At 3 months old, both of my twins took four regular and predictable naps each day. Some take more, and some take less at this stage (at a year old, our twins take 2-3 naps a day now, when most books/guidelines say 12-month-olds only take one nap a day). In the beginning, they did not nap at exactly the same time. So what I did was to keep the twin who went to sleep first up just a tiny bit later every day until their nap schedules aligned closely.

This takes time. You can’t do it all in one day, or in a week. But once you discern their regular nap schedules, you can encourage them to nap at the same time — either by keeping the twin who generally sleeps first up a bit later each day until they align, or by putting the twin who sleeps later down a little bit earlier each day (or a combination of both).

Consistent, consolidated (that is to say, uninterrupted and long) naps during the day are KEY to good nighttime sleep. You can’t play these by ear like you can with a singleton. When Calvin was a baby, I could skip a nap and deal with the fallout or give him a nap later. This simply does not work with twins. There’s much less flexibility. If you want to encourage/teach nighttime sleeping, consistent and consolidated daytime naps have to be in place first.

3. Teach the babies to self-soothe by putting them down sleepy but still awake (6 weeks + )

This was one of the most challenging steps for us. It can be hard to discern a baby’s sleep cues, at first, and hard to let go of habits of soothing babies to sleep. One of the most lovely things about babies, after all, is rocking them gently as they sleep on your shoulder and you smell their wonderful baby smell. I understand that, believe me. But if, like I was, you are in the throes of terrible sleep deprivation, this is what you must do: you must teach your babies to soothe themselves to sleep, at least the majority of the time. This is not to say that you can’t enjoy rocking your baby to sleep on your shoulder sometimes. You can. But most of the time the babies need to learn to self-soothe.

Once you have their nap schedules consolidated and aligned (or even before — this is a good Baby Skill for babies to learn early, although we did not start until around 3 months) start to recognize when your babies show signs of tiredness. They may stare into space, or rub their little noses or eyes, or just begin moving slowly. The key is to catch the “sleepiness wave” BEFORE it passes its crest and your babies get overtired. Overtired babies are whiny and fussy and sad. Once your babies are overtired, you are in trouble. Imaging riding the babies’ “sleepiness wave” like a surfer. You want to catch it right at the crest — not before, and not after. When your babies are sleepy but not overtired, place them in their cribs (still awake!) to sleep, with a consistent routine (for example, I always change my babies’ diapers, wrap them in a blanket, tell them I love them, pat their tummies, and walk away).

This is hard at first. But after a week or two of doing this — not just at night, but for daytime naps too — babies get better at soothing themselves to sleep. And as they get better at soothing themselves to sleep, they wake up less frequently at night, because they have learned how to calm themselves down when they wake up.

4. Find your babies’ natural bedtime (3 – 5 months +, varies by baby)

As I mentioned above, for a short period we labored under the false impression that keeping the babies up later would encourage them to sleep longer. In fact, the exact opposite was true. Keeping them up later pushed our twins into “over-tired” territory, where they would fuss and cry and whine and become unable to sleep for long stretches because their natural sleep rhythm had been interrupted.

We started reading sleep training books that suggested that babies had a natural circadian rhythm: a rhythm that often naturally required an earlier bedtime than adults. Some babies, the books claimed, even needed to go to sleep as early 6:30 p.m. We were incredulous at this, but we decided to give it a try. 10 p.m. was plainly too late for our twins to go to bed — they were exhausted and fussy by 10, and slept terribly. So we began slowly shifting their bedtime earlier. We put them to bed 10-15 minutes earlier every night for a couple of weeks, shifting their bedtime until we reached 7 p.m. 7 p.m. seemed to be the sweet spot for our babies, although I’m sure it varies from baby to baby (one of our twins, Dominic, seems to favor a natural 7:30 bedtime, while Anthony definitely needs to be in bed by 7 on the dot).

Once we started putting the twins to bed much earlier, it was astonishing how much better they slept. They were only waking up 1-2 times a night, instead of 3-4 times. And by the time they were 5 months old we decided to try for a full night’s sleep. Which leads to the last step.

5. Cry it out. (5 + months, although some friends of mine with twins used this technique successfully slightly earlier)

I realize that “cry it out” (CIO) may not be for everyone. I have many friends (mostly with singletons) who have an aversion to this technique, and it’s understandable — it is hard to hear your baby cry. But in those early months, when I begged my friends with twins for advice, their stories were eerily identical: when their twins were old enough, they let them cry it out. They all said it would take precisely two nights. “Two nights of hell,” one friend said, “and the third night they slept all night.”

I didn’t believe it would be that easy. I figured it would take at LEAST a week. So we prepared ourselves, and made sure we had all of the above steps in place before we tried it. And would you believe it? It took two nights. Two nights of crying, and the third night they slept for 10 hours. They never went back to waking up at night. Sweet glorious sleep. Nothing had ever felt so good.

Now, here’s the thing about CIO. I believe that CIO may not be for everyone. There may be some babies who (for health reasons, or temperament reasons) do not respond to it. But I also firmly believe that many parents who think CIO doesn’t work for their baby haven’t wholeheartedly applied it.

If, for example, on the first night of attempting CIO, you relent after a couple of hours and pop in just for a moment to offer a pacifier or rock the baby or calm the baby, all you have taught the baby is that crying produces mom and dad– encouraging her to cry longer and harder next time. That is precisely the opposite thing you are trying to teach the baby. Rather, by applying CIO, what you are teaching the baby is to allow themselves to soothe themselves to sleep. In the long run, you are teaching them not to be afraid of lying in bed alone, that lying down to sleep is something calm and wonderful that they can do themselves.

As difficult as it is, I believe that in order to TRULY have certainty that CIO doesn’t work for your child, you have to completely leave them alone all night in their crib for two nights. They are safe in their crib, and although your mind may be racing with irrational fears and worst-case scenarios (I know mine was — my poor husband had to listen to me going AUGGH THEY WILL GIVE THEMSELVES AN ANEURISM THEY WILL THROW UP AAAAUGH for two nights) they really are fine and safe, and they will not be permanently traumatized or develop an abandonment complex that will require adult therapy. I promise.

When we decided to apply this method, we were firm with each other. We agreed not to give in. No relenting and rocking or offering pacifiers. Each morning, we would pop into their room at 6 a.m., open the curtains, and give them their morning bottle. And hard as it was, we stuck to it. The first night, they cried off and on at intervals, waking and crying for sometimes an hour or more. It was a rough night, and I didn’t sleep at all  The second night, they went to sleep more quickly, and woke up less often, crying for only half-hour to 45-minute intervals.

The third night, they slept 10 hours straight. We kept popping into their room and feeling their chests, sure that something was wrong. It wasn’t. They were just finally sleeping through the night. There was much rejoicing! And they never reverted to nighttime wakefulness.

I hope this has been helpful/hopeful if you are currently in the throes of Newborn Twin Time. And if you are, let me leave you with this: IT GETS BETTER. This period is a tiny blip compared to the lifetime of wonderful fun you will have with your twins. Although we would have dearly loved hired help, we survived it without a nanny or night nurse or au pair (although we were lucky to have early much-needed help from the grandmothers and meals from our church community) and you will too. You can do it!

How to Take a Great Photo, by Anthony

My brother Dominic has previously shared his tips and tricks for how to take a really nice photo.

Here is my advice.

Step 1: Smile really big and press your little teeth together while squinting slightly. Tilt your face up so the camera can catch your face. Do this anytime a camera appears. Think about “cheese.” (What is cheese? No one will tell me.)



Here I am with my mom and brothers. Notice my “cheese” face.



I will now take your questions. Thank you.

How to Feel Cheerful About the World Again, by Anthony and Dominic

1. Go read this beautiful profile of Mr. Rogers. (He was Mama Duck’s favorite — a wonderful human being.)

2. Take a long, luxurious nap on a rainy day.

3. Remember that spring is just around the corner!

Hahaha. We are just kidding. But seriously, soon it will look like this outside again:

4. Find and snuggle a Baby Duckling. A puppy or kitten will work too.

5. Go read what the mom and dad of two other baby ducks did for fellow passengers on a long plane ride. We like this idea.

6. Lose yourself in a good book.

One thing I have learned, however, is that the hard books are not edible. My mom says I am not supposed to eat my books. A word of caution.

One thing I have learned, however, is that the hard books are not edible. My mom says you are not supposed to eat books. A word of caution.

7. Go look at these baby animals and think about all the good and pure and innocent things that exist in the world.

8. Watch The Sound of Music. We’ll wait.

9. Spend time outside in nature. Once the snow melts. Mama Duck’s favorite time of year is when the trees are just beginning to sprout tiny, baby-green leaves, and when you look out into a group of trees it almost looks like a fine green mist is hanging over the treetops.

10. Make or enjoy something beautiful. A ballet, a painting, a delicious dessert, a poem.

Big Brother recently enjoyed this ballet -- Sleeping Beauty.

Big Brother recently enjoyed this ballet — Sleeping Beauty.

11. Finally, remember that (at least in the U.S.) terrible destructive things like terrorist attacks or shootings or other devastating events are (by far) statistical anomalies. Remember that what you read or see on the news is on the news because it is unusual, newsworthy– not because it is the norm. Mama Duck can offer further reading on avoiding the pitfalls of mass media-influenced cynicism.

Some Things I Like to Eat and/or Munch on, by Anthony

1. MILK (obviously) 2. My brother Dominic


3. Rice biscuits

In this photo I am examining my biscuit to ensure that my mom has not done something tricky like dip my biscuit in pureed broccoli

4. My jingly toy

5. Spoons that have peaches or applesauce on them (but not spoons with broccoli)

6. Stuffed bear from Nana

7. Crunchy book.


8. Hungry hungry caterpillar.

The Baby Ducks’ (and Mama Duck’s) Favorite Things

So you are thinking of having some baby ducks of your own? These are the things we have found to be the most useful for our duckies.

Item: Baby Trend Double Snap-n-Go Stroller

Cost: We got ours secondhand for $40. But it would be worth paying more for. This is indispensable.

Why we like it: Normally, with one baby, you just tote their car seat along with you when you go out. With two large babies, however, this is not possible. The car seats are too heavy/unwieldy to be carried by one person. The beauty of this stroller is that you can just snap any major brand car seat right into it and stroll the babies to the car, or into the store, or wherever you need to go. Then you can unsnap the seats from the stroller and snap them right into their car seat bases in the car without having to go through the time/hassle of unstrapping the babies. This is especially nice now that it’s getting cold. The stroller folds up handily and can be popped right into your trunk.

Item: BundleMe

Cost: New, they cost $50-$60. We got ours secondhand free from friends with older babies.

Why we like it: We live in Minnesota, where it gets pretty cold in the winter. These are like little sleeping bags that go in the babies’ car seats. There are holes in the back that align to accommodate the straps of the car seat. Once the baby is strapped in, you zip them up and they stay warm and bundled, eliminating the need for bulky outerwear — also eliminating the need to re-adjust the length of the straps each time to accommodate various layers of clothing.

Here are the duckies in their Snap-n-Go, in their bundles:

Another thing I like to do is take a large binder clip and clip the top layer of the BundleMe to the sun shade on the car seats. This creates a warm little wind-resistant cocoon for each baby.

Item: Vintage 1980s bouncy chair

This is Big Brother in the bouncy chair back in 2005

This is Big Brother in the bouncy chair back in 2005

Cost: Unfortunately, I have no idea where to find one of these new. I got ours secondhand from a woman at my parents’ church when Big Brother Calvin was born and the company that made the chair we have is no longer in business. But it is worth every second of hunting it would take to find one exactly like this. It is a lifesaver.

Why we like it: You gently and repetitively tap the front of this chair with your foot — a motion so ingrained and unconscious that Papa Duck and I do it almost constantly, even when the chair is not present — and it gently bounces the baby. When I had Big Brother, I was in college, and I would do homework while bouncing him in this chair with my foot. When Papa Duck went back to work after the baby ducks were born, this chair was a lifesaver. I could hold one baby and bounce the other with one foot. All three of my babies have loved this chair. It soothes them infinitely better than the newer, fancier baby chairs that vibrate. And it comes with a (removable) string of bright, jingly, indestructible toys just right for a 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, or 6-month-old.

Bouncing > Vibration.

Item: Toy with blinking lights and spinning planet that plays a little jingly tune

Cost: We got ours free from a friend (this is another item I saved from when Big Brother was a baby) but similar toys sell for about $20. You can pick these up secondhand for under $10.

Why we like it: We place a blanket on the floor, lay the babies on their backs under the toy, turn it on, and buy ourselves 10-15 minutes of peace. This is enough time to make breakfast for Big Brother, check email, go to the bathroom, or lie facedown on the couch for 10 minutes.

Item: Halo SleepSack Swaddles

Cost: These cost about $28 new. We got ours from the hospital where the babies were born when we went home with them.

Why we like it: We used these swaddles until the ducks could no longer squeeze into them. They were wonderful. Wrapping the babies up tight kept them from startling themselves awake, and these wraps are super-warm, eliminating the need for blankets (and the danger of loose bedding). These were designed by a parent who lost a child to SIDS. It’s a really nice product. And when the babies outgrow the swaddles, the company also makes wearable blankets that leave babies’ arms free. We use those now and like them because the duckies can’t kick them off at night.

Item: Graco Pack ‘n Play with bassinet and changing table insert

Cost:  We got ours secondhand from a friend for free, but similar items retail in the $100-$150 range new.

Why we like it: We mostly use this for the changing table now (it’s a GREAT little changing table — just the right height, and with a convenient spot to stash diapers/wipes right underneath). In the past, before they outgrew it, the baby ducks took most of their naps in the bassinet, and often slept in it at night. Apparently they make a version of this with a bassinet specifically for twins, but I don’t think the twin version is necessary. You wouldn’t be able to use it for long, and the babies are used to being together anyway. The whole thing folds up into a small suitcase-sized carrying case with a handle, which makes it convenient for travel. In the future, we will remove the bassinet insert and use this as a baby jail playpen.

Item: Stuffed giraffe

Dominic naps in the bassinet with GiraffeCost: Giraffe was a gift from Auntie. But Dominic says it is priceless.

Why we like it: Because it is soft and malleable. Because it has a mane for grabbing. Because we like to munch on it and squish it and love it.

Questions strangers ask moms of twins, in ascending order of relative weirdness/intrusiveness

  1. Do twins run in your family?
    This is not a weird question. It is a perfectly reasonable and inoffensive question to ask a twin mom you are meeting for the first time. It is also by far the most common question people ask.
    Long answer: They run in my husband’s family, but it turns out that a genetic predilection toward fraternal twins is only determined by the woman’s genes, since she is the one who releases two eggs at once. And fraternal twins don’t run in my family. So imagine our surprise!
    Short answer: No.
    Unsure. Somehow I just do. But it’s hard to gauge what “doing it” means anymore. For example, right now I seem to be wearing pants, and my apartment is not on fire. Today is a success!
  3. How come they don’t look alike?
    That one has a different father. Kidding! They are fraternal twins. Not identical twins.
  4. How come that one baby is bigger than the other one?
    They are fraternal twins.
  5. How come that baby has blue eyes and the other baby doesn’t?
  6. How come that baby has more hair than the other baby?
    Anthony ate all of Dominic’s hair.
  7. Did you have IVF/fertility treatments? Or are they “natural” twins?
    No IVF. But what if I did? Would they be “unnatural” twins?
  8. Did you have a vaginal delivery?
    …Why do you want to know?
  9. Are they both twins?
    No. Only that one is a twin. Actually, neither of them are twins — they are just unattended babies I found at the supermarket.